Recently listened to an audiobook version of this classic (which I have read several times) and was inspired to create my own cover. I wanted to create a simple, colorful cataclysmic illustration representative of the stories action. The story takes place in late 19th century England so I used a Victorian looking font and a brown, fading to black(space) background. The star field surrounding the graphic is actually made of tiny germs (Spoiler Alert!) the war's conquerors.

Mockup of possible logo I created for GovDocs Inc.

My attempt at a Logo for the Alaska Department of Fish & Game's Division of Sport Fish. Ultimately too busy, but got a lot of positive feedback from employees and I think the overall concept has merit.

Black and white variant used in my email signature. It got a lot of positive comments.

Diagram of deep water release mechanism procedure for Rockfish. This illustration was used in the Alaska State Fishing Regulation Summary booklets.

Flyrod and Trout - Page 2 text frame and watermark created for the 2014 Sport Fish Regulation Summary Booklets.

Baitcaster and King - Page 2 text frame and watermark created for the 2015 Sport Fish Regulation Summary Booklets.

See note below.

Pages showing changes I made to the Salmon, Trout and other species ID pages within the Alaska Fish & Game Sport Fishing Regulation Summary booklets. The original fish photos/illustrations are not mine.