Allosaurus Skull
I've been working on this for the last several weeks in a little bit of my spare time each day. It is based on a photo from a visit to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology in Alberta in 2003. The photo was shot on our first digital camera and believe it or not, I was in danger of running out of memory, so I burned the pic to CD, and lost the CD after returning home. Recently, I discovered the photos from the trip during a bit of cleaning and had a great time reunited with my memories of one of the best museums I have ever visited. To me, there is just something visually appealing about pointillism and bones, and so when I saw the pic again, I knew I would have to attempt a drawing. If you would like to adorn your wall with this Jurassic giant go to Fine Art America and order yourself one, and don't be intimidated by the size. It comes in everything from near life size to almost cute and tiny.
If you would like to purchase a copy: