An ever adapting and evolving collection of Bird vector illustrations.

Did the line(stroke) work with Illustrator and the coloring and bubbles with Photoshop.

Emperor and King penguins. Part of an illustration of all seven species of Antarctica penguins. - Adobe Illustrator

Vertical variant.
Duck ID graphic.

Owl, owls, owls...One of the most interesting of all bird groups. Know them and you will truly have knowledge.
A series of vector owls for an identification illustration.

Great Grey Owl - Adobe Illustrator

Snowy Owl - Adobe Illustrator

Great Horned Owl - Adobe Illustrator

Northern Saw-Whet Owl - Adobe Illustrator
As an amateur ornithologist, I am very interested in bird identification. I created this series of illustrations to clearly delineate the most basic diagnostic features of four common species of Chickadees without the copius unnecessary details sometimes found in modern field guide illustrations.

Black-Capped Chickadee - Adobe Illustrator

Boreal Chickadee - Adobe Illustrator

Chestnut-Sided Chickadee - Adobe Illustrator

Mountain Chickadee - Adobe Illustrator