This series of acrylic paintings began with the desire to replicate a nice photo I had of a Tufted Puffin. It looked nice on the wall, so I decided to give it some friends and soon there was a whole flock up there.
I have always been fascinated with birds. As fellow warm-blooded chordates they are very similiar to us internally in many ways yet physically so different, and of course there is that whole flying thing.
These paintings are also an exercise in simplicity for me. No context, just a bird.
Tufted Puffin 8 x 10 acrylic on canvas
Willow Ptarmigan 12 x 24 Acrylic on canvas
King Eider 8 x 10 acrylic on canvas
Harlequin Duck 8 x 10 acrylic on canvas
Northern Goshawk 8 x 10 acrylic on canvas
Surf Scoter 8 x 10 acrylic on canvas
Sandhill Crane 8 x 10 acrylic on canvas
Arctic Tern 8 x 10 acrylic on canvas
6 x 12 Acrylic on canvas. Greater Yellowlegs.